Digital Economy Lab
Digital Society Lab

The digital transformation of contemporary societies implies that a growing number of “intelligent” systems (artificial intelligence, AI) and connected objects (Internet of things, IoT) now govern our lives through the collection, the interconnection and the analysis of vast quantities of data (big data). These technologies redefine our daily lives, for example in the field of urban governance (smart city), agriculture (digital farming), economic transactions (digital economy) or health (personalized medicine).

This process requires the implementation of regulatory forms for various phenomena, whether it be the control of the public space, of the digitized administration of the territory, or the automatized control of the flow of people, energy or information. But most importantly, the traces left by our digital activity increase the possibilities of surveillance, control and influence on individuals. This phenomenon can have important consequences when it comes to the protection of privacy and social sorting, since the combination of accumulated data with computer algorithms makes it possible to target individuals, or groups of individuals, in an increasingly automated way, in order to privilege them or, conversely, exclude them.

The regulation of this power is a key challenge that faces our digital society. It is necessary to define the actors (public and private) who hold this power, the motives (economic or political) for which they use it and the way they do so, as well as the potential effects of this power on individuals. Data protection policy is thus at the core of the public debate. The rules of law must be reviewed in order to keep up with the evolution of technology towards a world that will inevitably be increasingly rich in digital data.


New projects coming soon!

Publications in the field of Law

Guillaume Florence/Mahon Pascal (eds), Le droit à l’intégrité numérique, Basel/Neuchâtel 2021.

Guillaume Florence/Riva Sven, L’atteinte à l’intégrité numérique appréhendée par le droit international privé – La localisation du lieu de l’atteinte à la croisée du monde physique et de l’espace numérique, in: Guillaume Florence/Mahon Pascal (eds), Le droit à l’intégrité numérique, Basel/Neuchâtel 2021, p. 117-180.

Publications in the field of Social Sciences

Klauser Francisco, Police drones and the air: Towards a volumetric geopolitics of security, Swiss Political Science Review, vol. 27 (1), 2021, p. 158-169.

Klauser Francisco, Policing with the Drone: Towards an aerial geopolitics of security, Security Dialogue, 2021.

Baumann Philipp / Söderström Ola / Empson Lilith / Söderström Dag / Codeluppi Zoe / Golay Philippe / Birchwood Max / Conus Philippe, Urban remediation: a new recovery-oriented strategy to manage urban stress after first-episode psychosis, Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, vol. 55, 2020, p. 273-283.

Empson Lilith / Baumann Philipp / Söderström Ola / Codeluppi Zoé / Söderström Dag / Conus Philippe, Urbanicity: The need for new avenues to explore the link between urban living and psychosis, Early intervention in psychiatry, 2020, p. 398-409.

Klauser Francisco, Der Blick nach oben: Drohnen und die gesellschaftliche Aneignung des Luftraumes, Games of Drones, Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen, 2020, p. 164-173.

Klauser Francisco, Surveillance and urban mobility, in: Jensen Ole / Lassen Claus / Kaufmann Vincent / Freudendal-Pedersen Malene /  Gøtzsche Lange Ida Sofie (édit.), Routledge Handbook of Urban Mobilities, Londres, 2020, p. 335-343.

Krabbendam Lydia / van Vugt Mark / Conus Philippe / Söderström Ola / Empson Lilith / van Os Jim / Fett A-Kathrin, Understanding urbanicity: how interdisciplinary methods help to unravel the effects of the city on mental health, Psychological Medicine, 2020, p. 1-12.

Mermet Anne-Cécile / Söderström Ola, Airbnb. Urbanisme de plateformes et reconfigurations urbaines, in: Adam Matthieu and Comby Emeline (édit.), Le capital dans la cité. Une encyclopédie critique de la ville, Paris, 2020, p. 53-64.

Pauschinger Dennis / Klauser Francisco, Aerial Politics of Visibility: Actors, Spaces and Drivers of Professional Drone Usage in Switzerland, Surveillance and Society, vol. 18 (4), 2020, p. 443-466.

Pauschinger Dennis / Klauser Francisco, Räume des Experimentierens. Die Einführung von Sprühdrohnen in der digitalen Landwirtschaft, Geographica Helvetica, vol. 75, 2020, p. 325-336.

Söderström Ola, The three modes of existence of the pandemic smart city, Urban Geography, 2020.

Söderström Ola / Mermet Anne-Cécile, When Airbnb sits in the control room: platform urbanism as actually existing smart urbanism in Reykjavík, Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, vol. 2 (15), 2020.

Söderström Ola / Paasche Till / Klauser Francisco, Smart cities as corporate storytelling, in: Willis Katharine / Aurigi Alessandro (édit.), Routledge Companion to Smart Cities, Londres, 2020, p. 283-299.

Widmer Sarah / Klauser Francisco, Foams of togetherness in the digital age: Sloterdijk, software sorting and Foursquare, Geographica Helvetica, vol. 75, 2020, p. 259-269.

Winz Marc / Söderström Ola, How the environments gets to the skin: biosensory ethnography as a method for investigating the relation between psychosis and the city,Biosocieties, 2020.

Conus Philippe / Empson Lilith / Codeluppi Zoé / Baumann Sebastian / Söderström Ola / Söderström Dag / Golay Philippe, City avoidance in the early phase of psychosis: a neglected domain of assessment and a potential target for recovery strategies, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2019.

Jammet Thomas, Calmer le râleur – Contribution à une étude de la relation client sur le web 2.0, Terrains & Travaux, 2019, p. 137-161.

Jammet Thomas / Linder Audrey, Les destinations touristiques au défi de leur promotion numérique – Réflexions sociologiques à partir du cas de la Suisse, Téoros Revue de recherche en tourisme, 2019.

Pedrozo Silvana / Klauser Francisco, Entre formalité et informalité: Etude critique sur l’intégration de drones au sein de la Police Neuchâteloise, A Contrario, n° 29, 2019, p. 119-140.

Philo Chris / Parr Hester / Söderström Ola, ‘On edge?’: Studies in precarious urbanisms, Geoforum, vol. 101, 2019, p. 150-155.

Söderström Ola, Precarious encounters with urban life: The city/psychosis nexus beyond epidemiology and social constructivism, Geoforum, vol. 101, 2019, p. 80-89.

De Dardel Julie / Söderström Ola, New punitiveness on the move: how the US prison model and penal policy arrived in Colombia, Journal of Latin American Studies, vol. 50 (4), 2018, p. 833-860.

Jammet Thomas, Vers une communication de marque dictée par les algorithmes ? – Les relations publiques 2.0 face aux Big data, Communication & Organisation, 2018, p. 93-105.

Jammet Thomas, L’activité de community management à l’épreuve de l’architecture algorithmique du web social, Réseaux, 2018, p. 149-178.

Kaenzig Raoul / Klauser Francisco, Vidéosurveillance et insécurités urbaines : Etude de l’efficacité préventive du dispositif de caméras installé au quartier des Pâquis à Genève, Geographica Helvetica, vol. 73, 2018, p. 63-73.

Klauser Francisco, Surveillance farm: Towards a research agenda on Big Data agriculture, Surveillance and Society, vol. 16 (3), 2018, p. 370-378.

Pedrozo Silvana / Klauser Francisco, Drones d’utilité publique : Une acceptabilité controversée, EspaceTemps, 2018.

Jammet Thomas, Les habits neufs de la communication de marque sur le web social – Le travail d’intermédiation des community managers, Sociologies pratiques, 2017, p. 61-71.

Klauser Francisco, Surveillance and Space, Sage, London, 2017.

Klauser Francisco / Pedrozo Silvana, Big data from the sky: Popular perceptions of private drones in Switzerland, Geographica Helvetica, vol. 72, 2017, p. 231-239.

Klauser Francisco / Pedrozo Silvana, Introduction: Power and space in the drone age, Geographica Helvetica, vol. 72, 2017, p. 409-410.

Klauser Francisco / Kaenzig Raoul, Territorialisation à distance par caméra vidéo: Perception de la vidéosurveillance au quartier des Pâquis à Genève, Geographica Helvetica, vol. 72, 2017, p. 271-282.

Klauser Francisco / Widmer Sarah, Spatial media and surveillance, in: Kitchin Rob / Lauriault, Tracey / Wilson Matthew (édit), Understanding Spatial Media, Londres, 2017, p. 216-224.

McFarlane Colin / Söderström Ola, On alternative smart cities: from a technology-intensive to a knowledge-intensive smart urbanism, City vol. 21 (3-4), 2017, p. 321-328.

Söderström Ola, Analysing urban government at a distance: with and beyond actor-network theory, in: Kurath Monika / Marskamp Marko / Paulos Julios / Ruegg Jean (édit.), Relational Plannings – Tracing Artefacts, Agency and Practices, Londres, 2017, p. 29-50.

Söderström Ola / Söderström Dag / Codeluppi Zoé / Empson Lilith / Conus Philippe, Emplacing recovery: how persons diagnosed with psychosis handle stress in cities, Psychosis, vol. 9 (4), 2017, p. 322-329.

Klauser Francisco / Söderström Ola, Smart city initiatives and the Foucauldian logics of governing through code, in: Marvin Simon / Luqué-Ayala Andrés / McFarlane Colin (édit.), Smart Urbanism, Londres, 2016, p. 109-125.

Söderström Ola / Empson Lelith / Codeluppi Zoé / Söderström Dag / Baumann Philipp / Conus Philippe, Unpacking ‘the City’: an experience-based approach to the role of urban living in psychosis, Health and Place, vol. 42, 2016, p. 104-110.

Söderström Ola, From a technology-intensive to a knowledge-intensive smart urbanism, in: Stollmann Jörg et al. (édit.), Beware of Smart People! Redefining the Smart City Paradigm towards Inclusive Urbanism, Berlin, 2016, p. 63-69.

Söderström Ola, ”I don’t care about places”: the whereabouts of design in mental health care, in: Imrie Rob / Bates Charlotte / Kullman Kim, Design as Caring in an Urban World, Oxford, 2016, p. 56-73.

Jammet Thomas, Au service du client, au nom de la communauté – Une approche ethnographique de l’animation de communautés de marque en ligne, Réseaux, 2015, p. 73-98.

Name Surname

Prof. Florence Guillaume
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Prof. Francisco Klauser
Faculty of Social Sciences

Name Surname

Prof. Ola Söderström
Faculty of Social Sciences

Name Surname

Prof. Gianenrico Bernasconi
Faculty of Social Sciences

Name Surname

Prof. Valérie Défago Gaudin
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Prof. André Kuhn
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Prof. Hugues Jeannerat
Faculty of Social Sciences

Name Surname

Prof. Christos Dimitrakaskis
Faculty of Science

Name Surname

Dr. Michael Puntiroli
Faculty of Economics and Business

Name Surname

Dr. Aurélien Witzig
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Dr. Thomas Jammet
Faculty of Social Sciences

Name Surname

Laura Innocenti
PhD student, Faculty of Social Sciences

Prénom Nom

Dylan Hofmann
PhD Student, Faculty of Law