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Digitalized Persons LabMario Cafiso2024-10-30T19:20:00+01:00
Digitalized Persons Lab
Digitalized Persons Lab

The digital world has evolved and become a full-fledged ecosystem where humans play an active role. Human lives have been digitally broadened to the point of resulting in the duplication of individuals in cyberspace and the creation of a cyber-self. People’s freedom is put into question in this space as it presents the risk of loss in personal autonomy. Consequently, life in cyberspace has undeniable repercussions on individuals and their personality which are manifested beyond the confines of the digital world.

Cyberspace has also allowed for the development of new players whose rights have yet to be defined by law. An issue which arises is whether, for example, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) or an artificial intelligence (AI) can be granted a legal personality. If this were the case, the scope of their legal personality and the their rights must be precisely defined, whilst taking in to consideration the place that these digital beings have in our society.

Publications in the field of Law

Guillaume Florence/Mahon Pascal (eds), Le droit à l’intégrité numérique, Basel/Neuchâtel 2021.

Guillaume Florence/Riva Sven, L’atteinte à l’intégrité numérique appréhendée par le droit international privé – La localisation du lieu de l’atteinte à la croisée du monde physique et de l’espace numérique, in: Guillaume Florence/Mahon Pascal (eds), Le droit à l’intégrité numérique, Basel/Neuchâtel 2021, p. 117-180.

Mahon Pascal, Le droit à l’intégrité numérique : réelle innovation ou simple évolution ? Le point de vue du droit constitutionnel, in: Guillaume Florence/Mahon Pascal (eds), Le droit à l’intégrité numérique, Basel/Neuchâtel 2021, p. 43-63.

Riva Sven, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) in the Swiss Legal Order, Yearbook of Private International Law, Volume 21 (2019/2020), p. 601-638.

Benhamou Yaniv/Erard Frédéric/Kraus Daniel, L’avocat a-t-il aussi le droit d’être dans les nuages ?, Revue de l’avocat, 2019, p. 119-126.

De Santo Alessio/Holzer Adrian, Assessing digital support for smoking cessation, 2019.

Dunand Jean-Philippe/Mahon Pascal/Witzig Aurélien (eds), La révolution 4.0 au travail – Une approche multidisciplinaire, Geneva/Zurich 2019.

Kraus Daniel/Obrist Thierry/Hari Olivier (eds), Blockchains, Smart Contracts, Decentralised Autonomous Organizations and the Law, Cheltenham/Northampton 2019.

Riva Sven, Decentralized Atonomous Organizations (DAOs) as subjects of law. The recognition of DAOs in the Swiss legal order, Master’s Thesis, University of Neuchâtel, 2019.

Guillaume Florence, Blockchain: le pont du droit international privé entre l’espace numérique et l’espace physique, in: Pretelli Ilaria (eds), Le droit international privé dans le labyrinthe des plateformes digitales, Geneva/Basel/Zurich 2018, p. 163-189.

Hug Dario, La protection du consommateur face aux nouvelles technologies de la conclusion et de l’exécution des contrats, in: Carron Blaise/Müller Christoph (eds), 3e Journée des droits de la consommation et de la distribution : Blockchain et smart contracts, défis juridiques, Basel 2018, p. 115-167.

Publications in the field of Economics and Business

Bergram Kristoffer/Gjerlufsen Toni/Maingot Paul/Bezençon Valéry/Holzer Adrian, Digital nudges for privacy awareness : From consent to informed consent?, ECIS, 2020.

Uysal Ertugrul/Bezençon Valéry/Alavi Sascha, Facing Alexa, the powerful lower their guard: anthropomorphization of smart personal assistants decreases privacy concerns for people with high sense of power, 49th Annual EMAC Conference, Budapest 26 May 2020.

De Santo Alessio/Holzer Adrian, Assessing digital support for smoking cessation, EMCIS, 2019.

Purohit Aditya/Barkley Louis/Holzer Adrian, Designing for digital detox : Making social media less addictive with digital nudges, CH’20, 2020.

Name Surname

Prof. Florence Guillaume
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Prof. Pascal Mahon
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Prof. Valérie Défago Gaudin
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Prof. Adrian Holzer
Faculty of Economics and Business

Name Surname

Prof. Bruno Kocher
Faculty of Economics and Business

Name Surname

Prof. Valéry Bezençon
Faculty of Economics and Business

Prénom Nom

Dr. Christophe Wilhelm
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Dr. Marcelo Pasin
Faculty of Science

Name Surname

Dr. Dario Hug
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Sven Riva
PhD student, Faculty of Law

Prénom Nom

Alexis Lombart
PhD student, Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Bathsheba Huruy
PhD student, Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Marco Meli
PhD student, Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Alessio De Santo
PhD student, Faculty of Economics and Business

Name Surname

Niña Sayson
PhD student, Faculty of Economics and Buisness

Name Surname

Kristoffer Bergram
PhD student, Faculty of Economics and Business

Name Surname

Ertugrul Uysal
PhD student, Faculty of Economics and Business

Name Surname

Hervé N’Zita
PhD student, Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Camille Zimmermann
PhD student, Faculty of Law

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